Mount and blade warband diplomacy trade agreement

17 янв. 2015 г. в 9:21

Diplomacy Mod

Just curious as to what kind of Domestic Policy decisions lead to max economy and/or max relations with vassals. What do YOU guys use?

Aristocracy vs Plutocracy
Centralized vs Decentralized
Freedom vs Serfdom
Quality vs Quantity
Crown's role vs local choices
Nobles power vs Merchants power

Any tips would be appreciated.

Отредактировано fishhooks; 17 янв. 2015 г. в 9:22 Сообщения 1 – 7 из 7

17 янв. 2015 г. в 16:46

It all depends on what situation you're in. If your towns have a lot of potential for trade, go for merchants power. If you have trouble with supplying your army with food, go for quality rather than quanity. And so on.

Отредактировано Gefilte Fish; 17 янв. 2015 г. в 16:46

17 янв. 2015 г. в 18:18

Thanks for your response, but here's my 'problem'.

When I started my kingdom, I ran on the 'platform' of protecting the rights of the common people (since my character is common), so I've been setting my Domestic Policy to reflect that. i.e. more freedom for the serfs and merchants, less interference from Nobles and the crown. basically more 'power to the people' choices. Now all settlements are happy, and supply abundant troops and food, but my economy just doesn't seem to be growing like I think it should. For instance, I've got the only "Very Poor" town in the whole realm (Reyvadin. I've been chasing away all bandits, and it's villages are all doing ok. but it's still not improving. I didn't think ANY towns could get to "Very Poor". they all should be at least at "Average", in my experience, unless they've just been conquered or w/e).

Likewise, my relations with vassals seems to be slowly bleeding away, even w/o doing any awarding of fiefs. Mostly Upstanding or Good-natured guys, so I don't think it should be happening. The wiki says something like.

"With the correct settings, your relations with vassals will steadily improve, as will your economy."

Problem is, it doesn't give any indication as to what those "correct settings" should be.

So basically, that's my question. what settings have veteran players found to be the "best" all-around for managing their kingdoms. I'm thinking I've gone too far with the "power to the people" angle, and maybe I need to restore more authority to the Nobles and crown. And maybe the fact that my character is not of noble birth may mean that I just have to deal with the bleeding relations thing.