Destroying or Damaging Property in Victoria – Criminal Damage/Wilful Damage



It is an offence in Victoria to destroy or damage property belonging to another person. Wilful Damage is a Summary Offence, whilst Criminal Damage is indictable, therefore being a more serious offence. It is quite common to be charged with both offences, with only one proceeding following the resolution of a matter.

Criminal Damage is contained within Section 197 of the Crimes Act 1958, which states:

“A person who intentionally and without lawful excuse destroys or damages any property belonging to another or to himself and another shall be guilty of an indictable offence shall be guilty of an indictable offence and liable to level 5 imprisonment (10 years maximum)”

“A person who destroys or damages property, shall be taken as doing so intentionally if, but only if-

Wilful Damage is contained within Section 9 of the Summary Offences Act 1966, which states:

Any person who wilfully damages any property (whether private or public) the injury done being under the value of $5,000 shall be guilty of an offence”

Penalty: 25 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months.

The legislation for Wilful Damage also contains other examples of Wilful Damage, including damage to public waterways. For the purposes of this article, we will be specifically looking at damage or destruction of property.

The elements of Criminal/Wilful Damage

In order for an individual to be found guilty of Criminal or Wilful Damage in Victoria, the following elements of the offence must be proven by the Prosecution, beyond reasonable doubt:

Of course, for Wilful Damage, the value of the damage must be below $5,000.

Actions which may lead to a Criminal/Wilful Damage charge

Any action of purposely damaging or destroying property will be classified as Criminal/Wilful Damage. Actions which recklessly cause damage may also be classified as Criminal or Wilful Damage too. For example throwing an object at a wall in frustration which then creates a hole in the wall will be Criminal/Wilful damage, despite the person not intending on damaging the wall. If the offender ought to have known that the action may result in damage, it will satisfy the elements of the offence.

Damage to property jointly owned will also satisfy the elements of the offence. It is quite common for one party to damage an item in a family home, for example a piece of furniture, and be charged with Criminal/Wilful Damage, as it is property of the offender and perhaps their partner or children.

Some common actions which lead to Criminal/Wilful Damage charges include:

Defences to Criminal/Wilful Damage

There are a number of defences available for a Criminal or Wilful Damage charge. These include:

We recommend that you contact Nardi Lawyers if you have been charged with Criminal or Wilful Damage to discuss the circumstances of the offending and whether or not any defence applies.


The most common sentences for individuals who pleaded guilty to Criminal Damage between 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021 are:

The most common sentences for individuals who pleaded guilty to Wilful Damage between 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021 are:

See our article on Sentences for further information